By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Seems like everyone has done this year’s shopping online. Holiday and birthday gifts for yourself and others show up on your doorstep, and it's great - until you open them all up and have a pile of boxes 6 feet high to contend with.
Typically, you would recycle those boxes and purchase your moving boxes from a hardware store or your professional moving company, but if you are moving over the holidays then you can re-purpose those boxes as moving boxes to not only save some money, but to help reduce your carbon footprint!
Weather can be extremely fickle over the holiday season, no matter where you live. Be sure to keep an eye on that weather channel as best you can, to plan accordingly for extreme weather like snow, wind, or lightning storms that make it difficult for even professional moving companies to do their job well.
Typically, we encourage people to pare down the number of items they must move before it's time to go not only to save money, but to simplify the moving process. Garage sales and estate sales are common if the occupants are moving, but opting to donate your lightly used furniture (or smaller things like clothes) that you no longer need or will not be taking with you is a great way to embrace the Holiday spirit and bless someone in need. Many donation centers encourage donations especially around the holidays; look for one near you!
Many families send holiday cards out to loved ones to wish them a Merry Christmas and update them on what is going on in their life. Undoubtedly, a change of residence will be included in that update! However, many think that a mention of the move will suffice, and choose to send out a separate change of address notification to those who need it. If you are moving any other time of year that system works, but you can kill two birds with one stone if you are moving over the holidays. Include your change of address announcement in your holiday card (or in the same envelope if you want to keep them at least a little bit separate) to save on postage and time.
Professional movers do take the opportunity to give their employees vacation time over the holidays, so they can spend time with their families and get some well-deserved rest. As a result, moving companies are typically thinly staffed during the holidays and may have less availabilities for moving jobs. As soon as you set a date for your move, book your moving company ASAP so they can make sure to staff your move enough in advance.
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