By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Give Your Teen Adequate Moving Notice
Your teen needs to be told well before the professional movers arrive about the plan to move. Knowing in advance will give them some time to come to terms of having to move. Some moves might be unexpected, however, as soon as you know for sure, tell your teen. Give your teen time to process the news and accept the big change.
Discuss the positives about the move
Discuss their concerns about moving and really listen, try to offer positive feedback and understanding. Although the move might be for better opportunities for the whole family, teens usually still have a difficult time understanding why the changes must happen now rather than later. It is a big adjustment and they will need all the loving support they can receive from you. Point out all the good things about the move to the teen. Discuss how the fresh start in a new school is a chance for them to move forward and leave the things they didn't like about the old one behind. Reiterate that it is easy to stay in contact with old friends through social media today. The best part is they now can add new friends to their friendship circle.
Let teens help select the new home
Ask your teen to help you with choosing the new home. Take them when you walk through homes and check out information online. If you are undertaking a long-distance move, ask them to help you look at the communities on the web. Get as much information as possible about activities, amenities, schools and recreational places, so the teen will a general idea of the new location. This makes the teen feel part of the process and know that their opinion counts.
Stay Upbeat
No doubt, moving is going to be tough on everyone. However, stay positive and upbeat in front of your teen. Even if you are stressed about the move, try not to let them know it. Your teen will be experiencing a lot of different emotions and your job is to stay strong and help them through the transition.
Help your teen decorate their room right away
Get your teen excited about decorating their room. Now is a good time for them to do something different with their room. Once the moving company has moved your things into the new home, help the teen get their room set up first. Allow them to decorate their room the way they feel most comfortable. You want them to be happy and getting things to feel back to normal around them is a good start. The rest of the unpacking for the house can also be a family affair later.
Find local activities
Start right away looking for local activities. If your teen is interested in a sport or craft, begin the search to find them a team or group to join. Check with local schools as well as community centers to get activity schedules. It might be a great idea to sign the whole family up for a few fun activities. It is a great way to get to know people in your community.
Keep the lines of communication open
Check in with your teen from time to time to see how they are doing. Talk about school, friends, and really pay attention to find out if they are keeping anything from you. Sometimes, teens will say everything is alright when it's not, so keep the lines of communication open and don't be afraid to seek the advice of a counseling professional, if needed.
To find out more moving tips visit the A-1 Freeman Moving Group Resource Center.
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