By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Move-in cleaning is an essential part of every relocation process. Whether the new space is brand new or had prior occupants, you want to move into a spotless space. The person or family that occupied the home may have been clean, but doing your cleaning is satisfying. In most cases, you will find trash, dirt, and grime on the surfaces that need to be removed before moving in.
Cleaning your new home before your professional movers arrive with your belongings also eliminates the hustle of moving unpacked boxes and furniture around to clean. It is a chance to target every corner in the house and all spots both high and low. If you are planning to move, here are some tips for deep cleaning your new space.
Dust settles on all surfaces, whether high or low. Start your cleaning on upper surfaces such as ceilings, fans, and cabinets. Wipe the surfaces and ensure that you catch every corner. Remember to clean the walls, too. In most cases, warm water and detergent or vinegar solutions are adequate for cleaning. After dusting all high surfaces and wiping down the walls, clean the floors. Start by sweeping any dirt and trash and follow with a vacuum. You can also rent a steamer or hire a steam cleaning service to clean all the carpets and rugs.
If you have stains such as cigarette smoke or pet urine, the usual cleaning detergents might not work. Deep cleaning is necessary to remove these stains and odors which can be infused into the walls, ceilings, and floors of the house. Do your research or consult an expert to find the best methods of cleaning, depending on the severity of the stains.
Cleaning the kitchen is essential because it ensures that your food remains safe for consumption. If you are moving into a home with a pre-installed fridge, microwave, or oven, clean all the surfaces and disinfect them thoroughly. Warm water, baking soda, and vinegar solutions are great for removing oil stains.
Your bathrooms require deep cleaning, due to their nature. Prepare a baking soda and vinegar mixture (one tablespoon of baking soda for every half cup of vinegar) and let it sit in the toilet for thirty minutes before scrubbing. You can do an online search for vinegar and baking soda solutions for the sinks, tubs, mirrors, and floors.
After moving day, it is essential to disinfect all surfaces that professional movers, cleaners, and construction workers may have touched. Sanitize all sinks, doorknobs, handles, windows, and furniture before settling in.
A-1 Freeman Moving Group is an experienced moving company that handles all types of residential moves. Whether your move is local, long-distance, or international, you can count on our professional movers to help. Contact us today for more information.
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