By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Okay, there are way more than two, but let's focus on the primary stresses--physical and psychological. Here are some tips on how to manage those stresses in the weeks leading up to a long-distance move or even a local move--it seems like a bad time to start a new self-care regimen, but it's going to save your sanity in the long run.
It helps to be in good shape when you're getting ready to move. Unless you use a full-service professional moving company, where they come pack all your household stuff, most of it falls on you--sometimes literally, when you're digging out the closets. This means a lot more lifting and bending than you're accustomed to, and more aches and pains at the end of the day. You're probably too busy to maintain your gym schedule, so those tight muscles just stay home and brood, and get tighter every day.
A massage will work wonders for your back muscles and ease a lot of the tensions you're carrying around these days. If you can manage to schedule one for every couple of weeks amidst the packing chaos, it will do wonders for your body and mind. Even thirty minutes in a massage chair relieves some stress and tension.
This is not exactly the time to start a new fitness program, but if you already have a workout schedule, don't neglect your classes--they're doing your body some good, and getting you away from the boxes from time to time. Getting the endorphins going also relieves the permanent stress you're feeling.
The psychological stress associated with a move is every bit as painful as sore muscles, but sometimes it's harder to remedy. Leaving your home, even in the best circumstances, is emotionally challenging. If your move is taking you out of town, make the most of the time you have in your old neighborhood. Stay in your routines with friends--make the time for coffee or lunches and continue your kid's routines as long as you can. This keeps them occupied so they're not so focused on leaving their friends.
These are some things you can do for mental health care leading up to your move.
It's okay to let yourself be sad over a move--you've built a life and memories, and they're hard to leave. But letting the blues take over and staying home all the time to pack boxes isn't the solution. Step away every day and go do something just for you--sometimes even Wonder Woman needs a break.
And, if you need help planning or executing any part of your local or long-distance residential move, find for a professional moving company who can offer as much or as little assistance as you require. Want to know where to start? Contact A-1 Freeman Moving Group today!
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