Ask anyone who's ever moved--it can be (and usually is) really, really hard. Moving is enough of a stress without the headache of a Do-It-Yourself project, and now is not the time to think you can binge watch YouTube videos on how to pack a truck and have it down pat. Your kids are probably worried about changing schools and making friends, your significant other is panicked about a new dry cleaner and driving routine, and the last thing you need to do is add to the stress by trying a DIY move.
Why Local?
Why not? A local company has its advantages. First, they know the area and won't be depending on their phones to get you to your new house. In addition, they should know what size of truck will best work for which areas of town, which can be very handy if you are moving to a gated community or a location that has truck restrictions. Second, a local company has a lot more invested in doing a good job for you--word of mouth travels fast, and if you're not happy with the move then they have to live with the bad reviews. When you hire locally, you're also keeping the in-town economy going-- a win/win for everybody.
Questions They'll Have
When you call the movers, they'll have lots of questions, so have this basic information handy. Most of it you know without really thinking about it, but there will be one or two that you really have to think about. It's probably a good idea to make an inventory of your furniture, room by room, because moving is overwhelming enough that you don't want to forget all the stuff in the basement.
How many bedrooms? Do you have a garage, basement, attic, or all three? Does your garage have a loft? Do you have a piano, or anything really, really heavy like a standing safe? Any outbuildings or play equipment like trampolines or basketball goals? How about any landscaping features, like a fountain or a built-in grill? Obviously, you know all this, but do you know how heavy the safe is or the dimensions of the piano?
They'll also want to know if you have antiques or art. If you do have unusually valuable things, the movers will most likely require additional paperwork and inspect each piece with you before it's packed or crated in order to note the condition.
Once you have provided this basic information, you will most likely be provided with a ballpark estimate and an option for a free in-home survey. An in-home survey is much more detailed and nails down the cost with much more precision than the initial estimate. It covers the exact services that you are requesting. During the survey is a great time to ask any and all burning questions that you might have.