By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
If the moving company has packed and loaded everything, and a multi-day trip is standing between you and your new home, the dread of the drive is real. And it seems like the easiest thing to do is load up on USB chargers to ensure everybody is always occupied, and you're free to have some peace and quiet and NPR. That is the easy way, but who said life was supposed to be easy? Get some maps, games, coloring books, crayons, and load up your phone with road songs--this is a generation that's grown up on "Baby Shark" and needs to learn "John Jacob Jingle-heimer-whatever".
Get real paper maps for the kids and show them how to read the icons and pick out the rivers. Have them find fun things to do--"points of interest"--along the way and let everybody pick out one tourist trap along the way, or one each day you're on the road. If you're traveling with pets, this is the chance to get them out and moving some during the day.
Kids today. They're so wrapped up in Snapchat and YouTube they've missed the joys of car games. If you can't remember any, or you hated them as a kid and didn't pay attention, try these. All you need is your imagination for these old favorites. You and your spouse get to start all the games until there is complete buy-in.
Put family-friendly, fun to sing songs on your device, and teach the kids the fun of the aforementioned John Jacob. Let them teach you songs they've learned, too--but one Baby Shark per trip. Or Mommy's going to London with an empty suitcase.
Long days in the car are tiring, and nobody wants to be constantly entertained. Listen to audiobooks--choose books you're all familiar with, so if somebody dozes off they don't miss anything. Nothing beats Harry Potter for road trip listening.
Don't be the mean parents and block all their technology but do try to limit it by offering other things to do. Too much screen time does make us all a little dialed out and grouchy, and this is not the time to encourage the grouchies. Soon enough, the professional movers will be unloading the truck and you'll be in the middle of unpacking your new home. The kids can retreat to their new rooms and never be seen again. Take this time to force some old-school entertainment on them--years from now, these will be fond memories.
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