By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Of course, you want your new home to be a safe haven, not a causefor anxiety or sadness. With that in mind, here are some important ways thatyou can beat relocation depression and get life in your new community off tothe right start.
Stress is one of the primary contributors to depression; and adisorganized move willcause you stress. Even though it may take some extra effort, do all you can tokeep your relocation organized and on-schedule. This may include:
If you can reduce the stress you feel during yourrelocation, then you'll be in a better position to handle any challenges thatcome up afterwards. Anddon't forget that a professional moving company can help your relocationproject stay on track.
Once you arrive at your new house and start unpacking, try torecreate a space from your old home. Maybe you can arrange your furniture inthe same way that you did before; or perhaps you can hang your pictures in thesame pattern they were in previously. Whatever the case may be, you'll likelyfeel more comfortable if you're in a familiar environment — even if it's just a"piece of home" from your old place.
In many cases, your troubles won't look quite so bad after a goodnight's sleep. Lack of sleep has been linked to increased stress, irritability,and depression, so don't ignore your need for some rest.
At the same time, it's also important to get into a healthy,consistent exercise routine. Periods of moderate to strenuous exercise canrelease endorphins in your brain — and these chemicals have been linked toincreased happiness and reduced anxiety. Of course, you'll also feel moreenergy as you stick to your exercise regimen, which can help fight offdepression.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, many people are feelinglonelier and more isolated than ever before. This is especially true if theyare trying to conscientiously follow a government-mandated lockdown. Thissituation has made relocation even more difficult and isolating than it usuallyis.
To combat such negative feelings, take the initiative to connectwith others virtually. Schedule Zoom meetings with your friends and familymembers. Send them regular texts to check on them. Give them a call when youhave the time. In addition, it may be helpful to join a volunteer organizationin your new community or sign up for classes and events organized by localsponsors. You could also join local social media groups. All of these actionscan help you to feel connected with others and propel you through thosefeelings of isolation.
We humans are creatures of habit. We tend to feel happier and moresecure when our lives have structure and follow a predictable pattern. Withthat in mind, try to develop a workable, realistic routine for yourself as soonas possible — and then stick to it! It's amazing how a simple thing like wakingup at the same time each morning can help you to beat the blues.
Also, don't hesitate to seek out a professional counselor forassistance. Relocation depression is no joke! However, with effort,perseverance, and help from your support group, you can beat it, and makeyour move a successful one!
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