Moving is a BIG Job
By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group

1) Poor Planning
Put together a specific plan for your move, one which has everything you must accomplish and incorporate a timetable with time frames. Be sure and assign someone to each and every job.
2) Procrastination
Why pack up your stuff today when you can postpone it until tomorrow, right? Wrong! If you find yourself constantly delaying things, you may be setting yourself up for an unpleasant moving day. No matter if is booking professional movers or going through your stuff, procrastination can lead to delays and increased costs. Don’t put off items on your move plan. Create your moving timeline and then go with it.
3) Moving Too Much Stuff
Let’s face the facts, most folks have a bunch of stuff in their houses that they don’t need. So, when it’s time to load up and move, if you merely think that every little thing has to relocate with you, your move could be more costly and more time consuming. Before you commence packing, set aside some time to dig through your things. Do not plan on moving items that are broken, that you won’t use and that you just do not need. It is also a smart idea to evaluate weighty items, because they might cost more to move than they are worth, as well as they may be difficult to determine a spot for them in your new house.
4) Missing Packing Deadlines
The movers will be at your house first thing tomorrow. Your stuff isn’t even close to being packed up currently, therefore you run around like a frantic person and squeeze things into any boxes you can find. Inadequate packing makes it more possible that belongings will get broken in transit. Substandard labeling can make it more difficult to locate things whilst you are unpacking. When you cannot get all your things packed up before the professional movers arrive, you will be trying to pack as the movers are loading the truck. Or even worse, the movers could cancel for the day and tell you to call your customer service coordinator to reschedule to a different day. Do not delay. Commence packing well ahead of your move date.
5) Doing too Much on Your Own
There’s a point at which moving will be too much for a lone person. Working with professional movers and having the moving company pack your stuff are obvious things to do to lighten the work. Yet there are additional ways to get help. You can ask friends and relatives to help you have a garage sale or to babysit your youngsters or pets when you are packing. In addition, some organizations might come and pick up your gently used unwanted items, which should save you from having to drive to the drop off location. You can hire a cleaning service to take care of your old house after you move out and to additionally deep clean your new house before you move in. And lastly, make certain that everyone in the family is helping with moving related jobs. Even the younger kids could be assigned age-appropriate chores.
Frequently throughout the moving process, it is not uncommon to ask yourself, “Why is this so much work?”. But, if you steer clear of the pitfalls discussed above, hopefully your move will proceed as planned.
If you are ready to move, A-1 Freeman Moving Group would love to help. Give us a call today!!
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