By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Relocating from one place to another takes effort, time, and money. You could spend an entire month planning it but still end up making some costly mistakes. Here are 5 moving faux pas and how you can steer clear of them.
The key to a seamless and successful move is proper planning and organization. You need to have a plan on how you will tackle every stage of the moving process, like getting the right boxes, packing, hiring a moving company, etc. One of the main reasons that people get overwhelmed when moving houses is because they lack a clear strategy on how to prioritize tasks.
As soon as you decide to move, create a moving checklist that is both customized and prioritized. Make sure you stick to it and break down tasks into subtasks, which you will cross off once completed. A good checklist will help you complete the pre-move preparations in time, reducing the stress that comes with last-minute rushes.
Nobody likes packing; it is exhausting, takes a lot of time, and is quite frankly not fun. However, it is one of those moving tasks that just must be done. It does not matter whether you plan on throwing everything haphazardly into different boxes and tape it all up…you will still have to pack.
Here is the other thing, nothing ever works out the way you want it to when you're moving. A task that should take 10 minutes could end up taking an hour, which is why you should always pack ahead of time.
Give yourself enough time to pack based on the size of your house and the amount of stuff you have. If you have a lot of breakable and delicate things, you will need more time.
And if you are running short on time, talk to your professional movers about what packing services they offer.
Before you start packing, go through all your items and identify those that you have not used in a long time. Sell everything that is valuable, but you no longer need and donate items that you do not use. On the plus side, decluttering is mentally liberating, and packing will be less stressful.
Hiring professional movers to help you move can be expensive, but it is always worth every penny. Yes, you could ask friends and family to help you with the move, but you will still spend more time than you would have, and there's always the chance that you lose something or you break a valuable item.
Acknowledge what moving will entail and then decide how much you are willing to spend on it. If you do not have a lot of items, then a DIY move could work, but if you have a truckload of stuff, you should hire a moving company.
When moving into a new home, ensure that you do not tick off the neighbors. Make sure you make plans before the move regarding where the moving truck will park. If the moving truck is likely to block your neighbor's driveway or will take too much space, be sure to let them know beforehand so that they are not inconvenienced.
Do not underestimate the time and effort that goes into moving residences. Ensure you label all the boxes so you do not have a hard time unpacking and that you measure your new home to confirm that all your items will fit.
With a bit of planning and forethought, moving does not have to be difficult and stressful. If you are moving soon and wondering where to begin, A-1 Freeman Moving Group can help. Give us a call today.
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