By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
The phrase "turkey in a box" is one I first heard my Mother coin following her recent retirement. My Mom is (and always has been) the "hostess with the most-ess," but as she continues to age, pulling out all the stops for a full-blown Thanksgiving feast just isn't in her wheelhouse anymore. Still wanting to have the perfect holiday meal hosted at her home, she has resorted to the boxed options available at many retail grocery locations. There are reasons why these pre-packaged meals are growing in popularity including:
For those who have just moved in the recent past, there's no need to locate all the necessary cooking utensils, roasting dishes, pots and pans in order to cook everything that's usually expected in a Thanksgiving dinner given this option.
This option is one that's enjoyed and embraced by many families during the holidays and this is the perfect opportunity to institute a potluck platform for Thanksgiving. This concept is popular since it brings dishes to the table that are signature favorites by those who prepare them like "Grandma's Awesome Apple Pie" or "Aunt Edna's Sensational Stuffing" and don't forget "Uncle Ernie's Excellent Deviled Egg Appetizers."
For those who have just moved and may not have a plethora of plates or flatware on hand, requests for these items are able to be instituted as part of a potluck request. As an example, if Grandma is bringing her amazing apple pie, ask that she also bring dessert plates and forks along with her dessert. There's also paper or plastic plates and utensils that can be used because friends and family members are aware of the fact you and your family has just relocated.
When Thanksgiving arrives shortly after you've just moved and some of your bulkier items like furniture are still in storage, fear not since you can always rent or borrow things like tables and chairs. Think about your friends or family members like your big brother who has an enormous pickup truck and a table that's easily transportable. What about your neighbor who is going out of town for the holiday and may have these items available for you to borrow?
If you are going down the rental road, be sure to contact these venues ASAP as holidays and special occasions are always a busy time of year for them. However, many of these businesses are usually well-stocked with tables and chairs as this is the bread-and-butter of their industry.
The term "host" has many definitions from being the home to a parasite to a place who offers a facility and location for a specific event along with people who serve as a master of ceremonies. However, the meaning, "one that receives or entertains guests socially, commercially, or officially" applies in this instance. As you'll see, the word home or house does not occur as a part of this definition.
So technically, a person can host a Thanksgiving meal without preparing the food themselves or providing the place where it will be consumed. Consider many restaurants and other venues that are open on this holiday to serve your guests. In searching for options online that are available, you may find locations like local casinos that offer all-you-can-eat buffets as an affordable choice.
Even if you don't use any of these options to host your holiday dinner, the arrival of Thanksgiving will perhaps motivate people who have recently moved to unpack their belongings sooner rather than later. Hosting this event is also an excellent way to invite your family and friends to check out your new domicile making your new house seem more like home.
So, in conclusion, Happy Thanksgiving from everyone at A-1 Freeman Moving Group! Here's hoping you truly enjoy all the gratitude you'll feel when surrounded by friends and family in your new locale during the holiday season.
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