By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
Many of us spend time mindlessly collecting useless items that fill up our space but do not bring us joy. A move can be a wonderful time to declutter. It is time to get rid of all the extra junk in our lives and enjoy a freer, simpler life. After all, we don't want our material belongings to define us. Make a New Year's resolution to invest in friendships, character qualities, and valuable experiences this new year. And get rid of the stuff that is dragging you down. Plus, you really don't want to pay a moving company to haul all that junk out to your new house anyway, right?
Raise your hand if staying clean and organized is a struggle for you! Don't worry, we get it. Cleaning and organizing can be especially difficult if you have many years' worth of stuff and habits to deal with. Therefore, moving can create a much-need fresh start. There are no piles of ancient garden tools in the garage and no stacks of dusty Christmas ornaments in the attic. There is no chalky residue on the shower tiles and no collection of dust behind the TV. You get to start brand new! Begin on the day that the professional movers arrive at your new house with your stuff. This is a great time to make a New Year's promise to yourself and to your house: A place for everything and everything in its place.
Hosting is a scary experience for some and pure delight for others. Whichever category you fall into, hospitality is an important thing to invest in because it strengthens relationships and spreads joy. Once you have your beautiful new house organized, you have countless hospitality opportunities to get you started. Host a housewarming celebration - your friends may even bring you presents! Invite family over to see the new place. Ask your new neighbors to come over for coffee and cookies so you can get to know each other. This is an easy, natural way to jumpstart your New Year's resolution to host often.
Growing as a person means being a constant learner. What do you want to learn in the coming year? Let your house support that. Make space for a new art desk so you can learn how to paint. Set up your tools in the shed so that you can learn how to build those bookshelves you always wanted. Use that empty room for a sewing room or a room for foster kittens from a local rescue. Create a cozy space in which you focus on reading and writing. If you have young children, make sure to devote a space to pure play! And let your New Year's toast go to learning and creativity for the whole family!
In the end, home is not just about the house. It is about the people in the house. Family traditions are incredibly important for staying close. So, a move at the New Year is the perfect time to resolve family issues and create new traditions. Make a list of ideas - and let the whole family chip in! Schedule regular family movie nights or game nights. Cook weekly dinners all together. Plan a backyard garden together. Learn a skill together. Let everyone pitch in as you start to organize and decorate the new space. Nothing is more bonding than creating a brand-new home together. Let this new year and this new home be about family.
And, if you are ready to get started with your move and your resolutions, check out A-1 Freeman Moving Group, your local professional mover. This may end up being the best resolution of all!
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