By Julie DeLong, A-1 Freeman Moving Group
When you are moving with a baby, less is best. There is no better time than when you are preparing for a move to purge yourself of the extra things you do not really need or want. Getting rid of the extras means fewer things to unpack later, which means less strain on your unpacking schedule, and less stress on your baby.
It is important to hire a moving company early in the process, so you do not find their schedules are full. Be sure to consider ones that offer a wide range of services, such as professional storage.
Take the time to perform detailed packing so that unpacking with the baby in the new space is faster and easier.
Another option is to have your professional moving company pack for you.
If you are going to deep clean the home before you unpack, try to do so before the baby is in the space. Consider hiring a babysitter or having a friend take the baby for the day so you can clean safely. Another option is to hire a cleaning service to clean before your arrival.
Baby-proof the home before you begin unpacking. Moving is stressful and exhausting and it is easy to become distracted while unpacking. By baby-proofing the home, you have a safe place to put hazardous items and can create a safe place for the baby away from the dangers posed during unpacking. Here are some important things to consider:
If possible, unpack during naptime, bedtime, or while your baby is with a babysitter. Use the time to accomplish tasks that are impossible to do with the baby awake or in your arms.
Pack baby essentials such a playpen, portable crib, swing, and toys separately and keep them with you instead of sending them on the truck. This way, you can set up a safe area to keep the baby contained without having to go through many boxes to find what you need. Having absolutely everything your baby needs will give you a significant advantage during unpacking.
If possible, choose to have the professional movers unpack the entire home and assemble the furniture. If it is not possible to have the entire home professionally unpacked, consider having the moving company just unpack and assemble the nursery.
Have the moving company pack the nursery last and unload first. This will ensure you have one space that is free from boxes or bits and pieces that a little one may be tempted to put in their mouth. It also provides a place for them to sleep and a way for you to accomplish tasks more efficiently.
As much as is possible amid the unpacking madness, try to keep a regular schedule for sleep and mealtimes. A missed nap can mean a cranky and unhappy baby and a stressed parent.
Moving can be exhausting and stressful for babies, too. Help keep them happy and distracted with snacks and a few new and interesting toys. It can be helpful to create a few small, baby-safe bins of toys that you can switch out every 20-30 minutes to keep them constantly engaged.
As professional movers, A-1 Freeman Moving Group understands the challenges faced during the moving process. We support our customers with a complete suite of residential moving services backed by honesty, integrity, and professionalism. If you have questions about how we can help, feel free to contact us today.
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